October 21, 2011 : It’s Time For Some Ninjas!

I previously mentioned working on a new ninja 3D model, and it is now near completion. While testing out the rig, I created a few poses; and while I still might tweak some of the color schemes, I am really pleased with how things are looking.

The rig for this model has a few new features – most notably, a reverse-foot rig setup and IK-FK switching capabilities – and I am really excited about these additions.

This model will be a base from which several different ninjas will be created. Similar to the base ninja, they will not necessarily be the most in shape individuals – some less so than others. The goal is to create four distinct characters from this guy. Plenty more to come.

posted by Pi Visuals at 11:29 pm

1 Comment:

On November 1st, 2011, at 1:48 pm, news : pivisuals : Ninjas, All In A Row said ...

[…] >>It’s Time For Some Ninjas! […]

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